Tag Archives: Levitated Mass

Connecting Thread Vacation – Los Angeles

11 Jul
Levitated Mass

Me and Levitated Mass

So I’m on the train to San Diego as I write this. The first segment of my vacation is completed; however, not everything I wanted to do got done. On the plus side, I did a couple of things I wasn’t planning on doing so all got balanced out.

I did make it to LACMA to see Levitated Mass, and since it’s a permanent, permanent display outside, it’s totally free to check out, which I did (what? I’m on a budget). Overall, it was interesting. I don’t know if one of the intentions of the piece has to do with the juxtaposition of a very large rock in close proximity to tall buildings, but in that sense, it worked for me, as you have so many possible photographic angles. Some of the (poor) photos I took show off the possibilities.

I was also able to get to the Annenberg Space for Photography to see the exhibit “Who Shot Rock & Roll”. If you’re in LA very soon, are my age (I’m not disclosing my age, but I remember rotary phones), and appreciate music and photography, I highly recommend visiting. Plus it’s free. The images presented are amazing, no matter what genre music you like. What I recommend doing is walking though the space and viewing the images first. Then watch the multimedia presentation, which is about 45 minutes. It makes sense to do it this way as a large number of the photographs in the show are discussed in the presentation, so in essence, you did your homework ahead of the exam.

Next was Gallery 1988. All I can really say is…I haven’t wanted to purchase art work from relatively unknown artists as badly as I did here. The show I saw, and unfortunately, like the Annenberg, I wasn’t allowed to photograph anything, was called “There’s Always Money in the Banana Stand”, an homage to the MUCH beloved (by myself in particular) show Arrested Development. The minute, and I mean minute, I walked in, I was overcome with laughter and glee and genuine “Oh My God Cover My Mouth And Gasp” joy it was insane. I really don’t know where to begin. All I can say is, go to their website and check it out.

Finally, I went to the largest Vietnamese mall in America. Well, I saw it at night. At the one of largest night markets in Southern California. If you live in the LA area, go to Westminster on Saturday night during the summer. If for nothing else, go for the food. Outrageously good, if you know what to look for.

Now that the countdown for Comic-Con has begun, I have to get rested.  4 days with 125,000 people is exhausting.  But immensely fun!  And quite frankly, a little insane.

Comic-Con, Museums and Las Vegas; the Connecting Thread

2 Jul

Summer starts in the Pacific Northwest

Welcome to July!  Here in Portland, the weather has been doing it’s usual thing; raining.  Relief is around the corner though, with Summer “unofficially” beginning July 5th (ask any long-term resident the question, “When does summer start in the Pacific Northwest” and the reply will be, usually without fail, “July 5th”).  My summer will start the same day as everyone else here in Portland, but with a twist;  my vacation also starts on the 5th.  With that, here’s what I’ll be doing…

I have five segments to my vacation;  Los Angeles, San Diego, back to LA, Las Vegas, back to LA and then home (I don’t count coming home as a segment).  This has become sort of a yearly pilgrimage for me as I have friends living in all those cities and there’s tons to do in each place.

For example, in Los Angeles I’m going to check out LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art).  In particular, Levitated Mass, whose progress I’ve been following for over a year now, and Metropolis II.  Being a huge fan of the show Arrested Development, I’m going to check out Gallery 1988 and their show “There’s Always Money In The Banana Stand”.  That should be goofy fun.  And finally, the Annenberg Space for Photography and the only West Coast appearance of “Who Shot Rock & Roll”.  Those are on my list with more to come, I hope.

Then a train ride to San Diego for 5 days of insanity.  I’m talking Comic-Com.  Nerdvana.  125,000 people.  Hundreds of panel discussions.  Thousands of costumes.  Sensory overload guaranteed.  Not only that, but I’m also going to W00tstock on Thursday night, The Nerdist Podcast  on Friday night and then I’m watching The Walking Dead Escape on Saturday.  Oh, and maybe some sleep.  But just a little.

I then train back to LA, only to turn around for a road trip to Las Vegas.  In July.  I wanted summer, so what better place for that than Vegas.  I haven’t figured what all I’m going to do there just yet, but there’s always SOMETHING to see there.  Then back to LA to see Ray Davies perform and finally returning home to Portlandia.

I’ll be posting everything on Facebook and Twitter, so you should follow us.  Seriously.  Do it now.